I ordered a Quasar remote from you on Monday, Dec. 1, and on Friday, Dec. 4, it was in my mailbox! I just can't say enough good things about your company. I am telling all my friends! And I just may have another order for you very soon as one of them is going to give me the Model and Serial numbers of their Hitachi big screen TV for a remote replacement. It will probably be Monday, Dec. 7.
Keep up the good work!
Keep up the good work!
100%, no questions asked, no hassle, 30 day return policy. You must be totally satisfied with your new PHILIPS-MAGNAVOX remote. Please call 1-800-827-2546 M-F 9-5 Eastern if you have any questions regarding the use or functioning of your new remote.
This Web site is secured with a Web Server Certificate. Transactions on the site are protected with up to 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer encryption. We NEVER share, trade or sell any part of your personal or payment information with any entity.
We also offer these PHILIPS-MAGNAVOX remote controls:
Ona, WV
I have received my remote and I am very happy. I was a bit skeptical of the legitimacy of your site when I ordered, however I realize I was wrong. It looks to easy (to order just any remote) and too simple (not a sophisticate site).
Mario H.
Ste. Therese, Quebec
996510056836, 483521917485, NB690UD, 996510062046, 483521917717, 313922886464, NB062UD, 483521837212, 483521917313, 313923811451, 313923806381, NE225UD, 483521917706, 312124005780, NF801UD, 483521917443, 483521837281, 313912876361, 483521917094, 483521917049, 996500038472, 483521917684, 483521917411, 483521917229, 483521917389, 483521917588, 483521917215, 996510018015, 483521917636, 483521837288, 483521917377, 483521917674, RC2585-01, 483521917052, 313923810292, 483521917414, NB079UD, 483521837316, NB812UD, 483521917507, 313922888001, 483521917559, 996510062717, 483521917358, 483521917499, 996580004176, NB826UD, 483521917487, 483521917387, 313923807911, 483521917312, NB991UD, 483521917511, 398GRABDCNEPHT, 996500024266, NA386UD, 483521837105, 483521917601, 098003014080, 483521837207, 483521837213, 996500022787, 483521917561, 996500043779, NB558UD, 312814716361, 483521917545, 483531057553, 483521837341, NB950UD, 483521917633, NC003UD, 483521917219, 996580000587, 483521917551, URMT39JHG003, 483521917541, 483521917653, NA470UD, 996500031031, 996510032845, 483521917539, NC112UD, NC004UD, 483521837163, 312124005060, 313912876191, NA474UD, RG4172BK, NH404UD, 312814712101, 483521917376, 996500030064, 314101790240, 483521917396, NB672UD, 313922887522, 996510054954, NB074UD, NB129UD, 996580000772, 996510066677, 483521917335, 483521917391, 483521917698, 483521917216, 483521917291, 242254900635, 483521917607, 313923807301, 996500039206, 483521917542, 483521917701, 313922882531, 996510021121, 996510001263, 483521917676, 996510063326, 313923810241, 483521917184, 483521837297, 996510063432, 483521917589, 483521917582, 996500040974, NB091UD, 483521917208, 312814715921, 483521837337, 312814713501, 313922880572, 483521837223, 483521937205, 483521917493, 483521917339, 312814716201, 483521917686, 483521837251, 996510026738, NB179UD, 483521917385, 242254900934, 313922889251, 312814714411, 313922886501, 483521917659, 996510048284, 483521837191, 483521917668, 483521917058, 312814719601, 483521917631, 483521837253, 483521917638, 483531057551, 313923812552, 313922852811, NF800UD, 483521917543, 483521917405, 483521917679, 313922886462, 310420709601, HOF05G218D3, 483521837119, 483521837366, 483521837249, NF034UD, NF804UD, 483521917632, 483521917352, 483521917503, 483521917572, 483521917393, 996510059695, 483521837293, 483521837248, 483521837137, 483521917262, 313923806271, 483531057635, NB886UD, 483521917605, 313923812851, NB541UD, 313914854202, NH402UD, 483521837284, 313923814171, 996510042888, 483521837152, NF805UD, 483521837113, 996510053188, NF802UD, 483521917637, 483521917592, NH302UD, NH300UD, 313923812541, 242254900486, 483521837106, 483521837356, 483521837276, 483521917534, 483521917621, NB820UD, 314101790310, 483521917362, 313912875961, 483521917429, 483521917514, 483521917092, NC203UH, 312814713991, 483521837061, 313922852812, 996510041571, NB887UD, 483521917018, 313923813192, 22AV8573-F7, 996510029696, 483521917258, 483521917253, 483521917086, 314302850451, 483521917428, 313922885960, 483521837144, 313922884092, 483521917418, 483521837271, 00M144ABBA03, URMT43FNT001, 483521837238, 483521917433, 312814716191, 483521917388, 313914855140, 996510019916, 483521837199, 483521917656, 313912876001, 483521917247, NA383, 483521917413, 483521917624, NA384UD, 314101790200, 483521837083, 483521917502, 313923810291, 310420709390, 483521917338, 242254902349, 483521917608, 996500035359, 313914854205, 483521917526, NB668UD, WIR113001-FA01, 00M0627BAA01, 313922881592, 996510032438, 996510026031, 483521917591, 312814720191, NB677UD, 483521837336, 32FNT005, 996510012242, NE206UD, NB183UD, 312814715591, 483521917521, NH401UD, 483521917382, 483521837057, 483521917488, 996580001719, NF104UD, 483521917076, 996500036598, 313923812501, URMT42JHG004, 483521917295, NB553UD, NB193UD, 483521917553, 313922886461, 483521837187, NE224UD, 312814714611, 483521917713, 483521837216, 242254900902, 483521837128, 483521917602, NB552UD, 483521837254, 483501557139, 483521837193, 483521917336, 483521917538, 483521917062, 313922861361, 483521917014, URMT39JHG002, 313923807912, 313923811631, S06060, 313923808891, 483521837345, 483521917555, 483521917004, 483521917311, 996510001507, 483521917549, 483521917484, 996510026446, 483521837154, 483521917634, 483521917714, 483521917671, 483521837315, 996510012585, 313923806272, 996510062234, 313923812502, 313923814331, URMT45FNT004, 996510011431, 483521917505, URMT41JHG003, NE219UD, 483521917494, 483521917252, 483521977011, 312812700011, 313912875991, 483521837107, 313923816951, 398GRABD7NEPHR, 483521917626, 483521837343, 314101790220, 483521917486, 996500043780, NC262, 996580000768, 483531057554, 310432700021, 483521917604, 483521976656, 313923812241, 996510002764, 483521917718, 483521917544, 483521917665, 996510049464, 483521837112, 313923812242, NH100UD, 483521917657, 313501703811, 483521917426, 483521917528, 483521917367, NB900UD, 483521917609, 483521917642, 483521837129, 483521917581, 996500027363, 996510028965, 483521837126, 483521917452, 483521837104, 483521837143, 483521917583, 483521917482, 996510022144, 483521837262, 483521917036, 823827717511, NB555UD, TB150HH9, 483521917727, 313501703801, 483521837228, 483521917441, RC-700, 483521917703, 483521837203, NB093UD, 313922888691, 483521837227, 313922885371, 483521837255, 313501703791, 483521917314, 483521917531, 483521917648, 483521917404, 483521917726, 483521837052, 483521917506, 483521917037, 483521917673, 313922863221, NB069UD, 312814713203, 312814714461, 314101790341, 483521917649, 483521837087, NA387, 483521837352, 483521917024, 483521837282, 483521917593, 483521917403, 483521917434, 483521917392, 312124791381, NC000UD, 483521917412, 483521917472, 483521917711, 313922883630, URMT34JHG001, NH410UP, 313923813561, 483521837175, 483521837173, 483521917342, 313912875571, 483521917562, 313923803811, NF109UD, 483521837259, 483521837364, 483521837263, 996510050576, NH400UD, 313912876351, URMT39JHG001, 483521917594, 996510052848, 313922889252, 996510030597, NH407UP, 312124792031, 312814714551, NB098UD, 310420709391, 483521917702, 483521917431, NB052UD, 483521917615, NB612UD, 483521917038, 483521917491, 483501557167, 313923814211, 483521917333, 312814711111, 483521837186, 242254902301, 483521837197, 483521917053, 483521917646, DRMCT007T8, 483521917354, 996510008319, 312814714011, NE239UD, 313922884651, 996510037861, RG4172BK03, 242254901248, 483521917618, NA729UD, 483521917192, 483521917699, 483521917458, 313922886502, 483521837114, 483521917724, 483521837192, 313923805791, 313923812551, 313501702281, 483521837257, 483521917547, 483521917421, 996510018341, 313912876421, 483521917705, 313923807191, 483521917379, NB559UD, 483521917318, NB691UD, 996510013545, NB622UD, 483521837125, 996510053581, 00Y147SB-AA01, 4329100016, 312814713201, 483521917395, NH304UD, 313923813131, 314101790351, 483521917206, 483521917568, NB5E8UD, 242254901817, NH409UD, 483521917054, NB545UD, 313922860411, 313912875591, 483521917019, NB540UD, 313922886491, 00M145DABA02, NB662UD, 483521917257, 312124791321, 313923810581, 483521917697, 313923804303, 483521917005, 22AV2084, TY-5F010-003, 483521917623, 483521917599, 483521834083, 483521917469, 483521937133, 483521837153, 313922886492, 996500023254, TB100HH9, 483521917527, 483521917707, 483521917704, 483521917225.